20 Things We Loved About WMI in the 90’s by sayconnect | Jul 11, 2013 | Funny | 0 comments 1. Incredible comedic bits by the Great Gordak 2. When bandmasters wore nautical themed outfits 3. When David Dunford melted hearts with his piano playing 4. When the Dum Dum Dada Dada song gave green lights to touch the leg next to you 5. When you spent the week worrying if she would say no to your candlelight proposal 6. When wearing towels with your uniforms was drop dead hilarious 7. The comfort you received when you realized you were competing against a recorder for the soloist competition 8. When we cut our Mom’s curtains to make our outfits for Candlelight Dinner Night 9. When we did our March of Witness to the squirrels of Redwood Glen. 10. When Stussy and Raybans were high fashion….wait they came back! Yeah!! 11. When timbrel groups existed 12. When the staff got to hang out at Free Time while the campers roamed free of supervision for hours at a time. 13. When the staff rocked Hipster glasses before Hipsters 14. When cabins took soccer team style photos 15. When mentoring wasn’t awkward 16. When they offered drum major classes 17. When the staff where forced to share the slide during sealed orders 18. When you pretended to care about your Music Theory class. 19. When Faye killed us with her Elephant Jokes. 20. When mullets and mustaches where to be desired Share this:TumblrRedditPrintFacebookTwitterEmailPinterestLike this:Like Loading... Leave a ReplyCancel reply