Emblems of the Month – September

Emblems of the Month – September

Emblems of the Month September Friends- join me in kicking-off the 2016-2017 program year! We are so excited for all that this new program year has to offer! Hence, UPDATED Girl Guard material! Yahoo! On top of that, there are many other resources that are out for...
Why WYI?

Why WYI?

Every year, the THQ Youth Department team carefully and prayerfully crafts together WYI to be sure the content and activities are intriguing and thought provoking to encourage personal growth in your spiritual life, social relationships, and individual abilities....
National Jamboree Registration Now Open

National Jamboree Registration Now Open

Attention all registered Girl Guards and Rangers ages 12 and up!!! National Jamboree is July 10-15. You don’t want to miss it!! Please Contact your DYS for more information. If you would like to reserve your spot, you can do so by filling out this form. ...