Emblems of the Month – September

Emblems of the Month – September

Emblems of the Month September Friends- join me in kicking-off the 2016-2017 program year! We are so excited for all that this new program year has to offer! Hence, UPDATED Girl Guard material! Yahoo! On top of that, there are many other resources that are out for...
Emblems of the Month MAY

Emblems of the Month MAY

…And just like that…it’s gonna be May! For all those late 80s-90s kids, you know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, take a second to listen to a bit of *Nsync. Good stuff! This May, we are looking at some interesting National days! Feel free to use any listed days...
April Emblems of the Month

April Emblems of the Month

Hello Friends & Happy Spring! For some of you, spring means nothing, it is still cold. For others, it means more showers, since it brings May flowers. And yet some, have been feelin’ the sun throughout the winter season. Regardless, we welcome this spring season...
Emblem of the Month March

Emblem of the Month March

Emblems of the Month March Happy March folks! For the sake of leaders having enough time to be prepared for the upcoming month, we will be posting the Emblems of the Month a few weeks in advanced. Hopefully you find this helpful! There are many observations in March,...
Emblem of the Month February

Emblem of the Month February

Emblems of the Month February Greetings Friends! It’s finally February, but that is not the most exciting part. 2016 is a leap year, which means this month has 29 days and it only happens every four years! Do you know why this happens? Let me tell you! A complete...