by sayconnect | Aug 8, 2014 | Territorial Youth Events, Uncategorized
Yesterday began with looking at Solomon’s life – his pursuits of every meaningless path to find a meaningful life, and ended looking at our own pursuits versus pursuing God. Colonel Dusty Hill brought us God’s truth from Solomon’s life in the morning, while Lt. Ashley...
by sayconnect | Jun 6, 2014 | Articles, Emblems of the Month, Territorial Youth Events, Uncategorized
Now that summer is upon us, if you’re like most corps, troop programs have wrapped up for the year and youth leaders and officers across the territory can breathe a sigh of relief – just until day camp and VBS start. However, the end of the year troop party does...
by sayconnect | Jun 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
Recently I was at a retreat in which the guest speaker had benefitted from the services The Salvation Army provided as a young child when his family was in crisis. It didn’t sound like they asked for help. From what I gathered from the story, an officer heard...
by sayconnect | May 8, 2014 | Territorial Youth Events, Uncategorized
Bible Bowl 2014 It was another fun and successful Territorial Bible Bowl Competition at Camp Kuralti! It was an inspiring weekend of competition, fellowship, and worship. Shortly after arrival, Friday evening started off with the first five rounds of...
by sayconnect | Apr 30, 2014 | Northwest Division, Territorial Youth Events, Uncategorized
On the first weekend in April, nearly 250 delegates gathered to begin a weekend of being Unmasked. The Northwest Division kicked off Friday night with a barn dance complete with live band playing line dancing music, a pie-eating contest and a dunk tank to dunk youth...
by sayconnect | Apr 28, 2014 | Del Oro Division, Territorial Youth Events, Uncategorized
Jesus and Super heroes together in one awesome weekend, what more could you ask for at Youth Councils! The Holy Spirit was present and working in the lives of 300 plus youth and leaders of the Del Oro Division. Capt. Terry Masango challenged us throughout the weekend...