Loneliness in Leadership

Loneliness in Leadership

Have you ever experienced it? That sense of loneliness that can come with a leadership position. You know what I mean, right? You serve tirelessly week after week, month after month, year after year. You are around people a lot of the time. You know them well – their...
The Finish Line

The Finish Line

Can you see it yet? The finish line. It’s just ONE WEEK away! Corps officers, youth workers, corps employees…WE APPRECIATE YOU! That is worth repeating. Over and over.               We know you’re tired. We know you’ve had far too...


This morning I got up bright and early to go to the gym.  Just as I was getting out of my car I reached for my pocket and **GASP** it was empty.  I checked my other pocket, the car seat, and even that weird middle section between the seats… I left my phone at home....
T.E.N. Spotlight Friday

T.E.N. Spotlight Friday

SA News Win a chance to chat with Selena Gomez in a Google Hangout _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Freebies Origami Designs and How To’s Free Lesson: When the Shine Wears Off Feeling Crappy? Get a...
What if God did our employee reviews?

What if God did our employee reviews?

Recently I was at a conference and found myself in a discussion about employee reviews. We were talking the good, the bad, and the ugly that goes into the process of employee reviews.  Let’s face it, employee reviews are not always comfortable and are often stressful....