Now that summer is upon us, if you’re like most corps, troop programs have wrapped up for the year and youth leaders and officers across the territory can breathe a sigh of relief – just until day camp and VBS start. However, the end of the year troop party does not need to be an end of progress party. Encourage your youth to attend your division’s SAY/Troop Camp! It’s an opportunity to earn specialty badges that are only able to be earned at camp, and it opens the door for your youth to be eligible for the Territorial Camper Awards. What kid doesn’t like a higher award? Girl Guards and Rangers can earn the A-KHI-KO-KA award while the Sunbeams and Explorers can earn the AYITA award. Each year that they attend divisional SAY/Troop Camp and complete the necessary requirements outlined in their “Passport to Territorial Camper Awards,” they can earn another piece of their designated camper award. By following the outline in their Passport, campers will earn new badges, the higher award, and undoubtedly an exciting and well-rounded camp experience that will bring them back for another year and another piece to their award.
Click on the links for your troop and download each passport.
Sunbeam AYITA Passport Girl Guard A-KHI-KO-KA Passport
Explorer AYITA Passport Ranger A-KHI-KO-KA Passport
SAY/Troop Camp is not the only camp your youth can earn badges at during the summer. If you have registered troop participants attending music camp, look at the music focused badges such as:
Timbrelist & Blow Your Own Horn for Girl Guards
Musician for Rangers
Singing & Timbrel for Sunbeams
Music for Explorers.
Not to mention, if your youth attend a sports camp offered by your division, there are a wide range of badges that would fall under sports, recreation, & teams.
For additional resources, join the Facebook group SAY Resources.