The social life and challenges our young people face today are much more than going to school or attending after school and church activities – it truly is a Battlefield. This year the Corps Cadet Retreat was based on equipping our young people with tools that will help them in the battle they face on a regular basis. From waking up and “hitting the showers” to “evening chow,” it was all about equipping our young people to choose to live like Christ daily.
Michael Collins led the charge of equipping our young people through:
- Preparing for the Battle – “The enemy is after you!” “Be ready, Get fit for the battle”
- Battle of the Mind – “God wants everything” “If you lose the battle of the mind you lose everything”
- Battle for Justice – “An Army that does not march isn’t an army.”
- Battle for Holiness – “Without Holiness we are useless and dead” “We are as sick as our secrets – give them to God”
Michael encouraged the young people to prepare themselves: Mind, Soul and Body for the Lord’s battle. As Corps Cadets they are called to be leaders and examples in the life they lead, today. Michael’s calls were powerful and led the young people to the altar.
Our young people got a small taste of true combat through an afternoon paintball battle where they suited up and prepared their ammunition. Communication and teamwork were key lessons learned.
The Worship was led by Abraham Guevara who helped usher the young people into a time of learning and preparing their hearts to be equipped for battle. The workshops offered were the:
- Fight for Social Justice – What we can do to be the hands and feet of Jesus, led by Rob Noland & Michael Collins
- Understanding of the Media Battlefield – Remaining pure while in the media battle, led by Abraham Guevara
- Engaging in the Battle of the World – Reaching out to help those in need, led by Major Harryette Raihl
What good is a battle if the leaders are not prepared? The Leadership Track, led by Majors Fred & Patty Rasmussen, played a huge role in preparing our leaders to lead the Corps Cadets on their battlefields/in their communities. This was an intensive course that not only gave them the ins and outs of the plans but encouraged and brought new life into the leaders.
God truly blessed our time together! Our Corps Cadets are ready to face the daily battle in their own communities. Please remember to keep them in your prayers.
“Praise be the LORD my rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle”
Psalm 144:1