Graduate Follow Up Postcard
Graduate Follow Up Postcard Graduating from High School and College often come with many major life change and uncertainties. Many young adults find themselves relocating to new cities or states while others figure out what changes are in store for their life in this...

I’ll Fight Day 2018
I’LL FIGHT DAY 2018 I’ll Fight Day 2018 will be on Saturday, December 1st. I’ll Fight Day is a youth servant evangelism day where youth are encouraged to serve in their Corps and community through practical acts of service for others. Here is everything you need to...

Emblems of the Month – December
Due to the new resources, you will start to notice that the emblems are not in sync with the season, but more leaning towards the goal in completing the emblems necessary to obtain that specific award. Keep in mind that this is only a resource-- you can always change...
Emblems of the Month – November
Due to the new resources, you will start to notice that the emblems are not in sync with the season, but more leaning towards the goal in completing the emblems necessary to obtain that specific award. Keep in mind that this is only a resource-- you can always change...