WYI 2017 – LOVE
John 13:35 says, "By this everyone will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." Explore this further with us at the Western Youth Institute this year from July 31-August 5, 2017 at Camp Redwood Glen in the Santa Cruz mountains of California. Who can come...

Service Corps 2017 Teams and Countries

The Whole World Mobilizing
In preparation for the upcoming Whole World Mobilizing Children and Youth Weekend, we have provided a link below with materials that will assist you in making this weekend a success. The goal is to empower our young people through providing them with ways to lead in...

Emblems of the Month – June
We have officially made it to the halfway point of 2017! As you look back to what 2017 has been like for you, take some time praise God for the accomplishments as well as the fails. It is not easy to be disciplined or to carry on New Year’s resolutions but it is also...