Can you see it yet? The finish line. It’s just ONE WEEK away!
Corps officers, youth workers, corps employees…WE APPRECIATE YOU! That is worth repeating. Over and over.
We know you’re tired. We know you’ve had far too much fast food in the past month, and more coffee in just a few weeks than you usually consume all year. You’re working off very little sleep. And very little time with your family.
Thank you.
Thank you for dealing with unruly kettle works. Thank you for loving on volunteers. Thank you for driving the same route over and over, day after day. Thank you for sorting toys and tags. Thank you for handing out food boxes with a (tired) smile, and a “God bless you.” Thank you for keeping the corps running in the meantime. And thank you for still feeding our souls every Sunday as if there was no such thing as kettles.
You’re AMAZING. And we appreciate you.
I’m sure we haven’t said it enough. We haven’t been there to cheer you on along the entire path of the marathon. But we’re there now at the finish line, telling you that you can make it! Pretty soon, you’ll have one more Christmas notch in your belt.
And you will have impacted lives for eternity. More than you’ll ever know.
In fact, you have impacted us. Soldiers. Employees. Volunteers. YOU are the Army. You are the ones who inspire us to be the hands of Jesus. Heart to God; hand to man. You teach us how.
And even though you may not have time to read this until the new year, we are here, cheering you on, helping where we can, praying for you (and maybe buying you Starbucks). You can do it. You are running the race with endurance, and we see it. More importantly, God sees it. And He is glorified.