Recently I was at a conference and found myself in a discussion about employee reviews. We were talking the good, the bad, and the ugly that goes into the process of employee reviews. Let’s face it, employee reviews are not always comfortable and are often stressful.
Because I can’t get conversations out of my head, my mind began to wonder into the world of what if’s.
What if we did annual reviews quarterly?
What if we did annual reviews standing up?
What if we did annual reviews over a meal?
What if we did annual reviews with our family in the room?
What if God did our employee review?
Wait what? What if God did our employee review?
Now that would be an experience! So obviously my brain stopped there. Wouldn’t that be craziest annual review? How different would we work? I can see my review going like this…
Technical Skills: Well he knows how to use his computer and is fluent in social media. However, I noticed that he tends to get distracted easily and spends a little too much time trolling news feeds, and quickly switches to his inbox when any of his officemates come in just so it looks like he is working.
Communication Skills: Loves to tell stories, and seems to have no problem expressing his opinion to his immediate team. However, I only get updates from him here and there, but it’s usually in times of need. Would like to hear from him more regularly and would like to see our relationship develop.
Organization Planning, and Follow-up: Consults me through his planning process and relies on my help to pull things off. However, he does take credit for a lot of the work that I have done. His ego appears to need it. Would like to see more honesty from him and give credit to those that deserve it.
Team Building: He is getting better at working as a team player. Still allows petty things to bother him. Would like to see him exercise more grace and be slower to speak and quicker to listen.
Supervisor Comments: I’m looking forward to the next year with him and am thankful for his desire to be obedient.
Now, wouldn’t that be a weird experience if God did actually do your review?
1st Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
I don’t know about you, but often I get caught up in myself at work. So much so at times that I neglect areas of my job. Then I tend to try to hide those areas from coworkers and of course my boss. But obviously we can’t hide it from God. We would have to be honest and acknowledge the areas we are falling short. We can’t hide with exaggerated statements or carefully crafted excuses. We would just have to own it.
Work daily with all that He has given you and do it all for the glory of God.
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matthew 25:23