WYI 2016 – “Adopted”
“He predestined you into adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will.” Ephesians 1:5
The Western Youth Institute will be held from August 1-6, 2016 at Camp Redwood Glen in the Santa Cruz mountains of California. Come to WYI to explore what it means to be ADOPTED.
Who can come to WYI?
Anyone between 16 and 25 years old
Do you need to be a soldier to come?
No. You do need to get your corps officer and DYSs signature (endorsement) on your application though.
When can I register?
Now! The final day to register is July 15th, but the sooner you register, the better deal you get on registration. (see the registration page for details)
So why wait? Talk to your corps officer to get your registration submitted! We’d love to see you there!